There is no specific composition of the artwork, other than the drawings appear very linear, rather than free flowing and organic. It contains a lot of geometric shapes like triangles and rectangles, although looking like they have been drawn with a highlighter or marker pen. This suggests the band wants to keep their art personal, rather than replying on computers and other graphic designers to create the cover art. Later reading from Foals, notes that the band’s friend “Tinhead” has currently done all of their artwork, with the exception of Total Life Forever.
The B-Side was released on 9th September 2008, almost 6 months after "Antidotes", their first album was released. The illustrative style of art from the first album (the vinyl cover) and “Gold Gold Gold” is very similar, due to that the same person has been creating all of the covers; it also connotes the typical audience profile, a young adult or teenager, interested in art or media. This style is typical of the band, the lack of photograph of computer image, represented instead by illustration and hand drawn icons.
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