Thursday, 22 September 2011

Magazine Album Advert Conventions.

When a band releases a new album or single, it is advertised widely through media such as magazines and newspapers, as well as on billboards and even now onto internet sites. This use of advertising through different platforms can increase promotion and fan basis, as well as sale release from hard copies or internet downloads.
The typical nature of an album advert is to keep the information to a minimum and the style basic; over the different platforms, the imagery/style, colour scheme, font face and layout will be kept similar to make it more recognisable and distinguished. The details are kept simple; band/artist name, title of the album, release date, where to purchase and sometimes an online website are all that is shown on the advert.

Usually, an advert for an album will be the exact same image, however some bands/artists choose to slightly differentiate the two. An example of this is from the band You Me At Six; the online advert differs from the album artwork however the idea of the police and being arrested is the same; the style and colour schemes are identical here, so the audience can still link between the two.

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