Left to right: Front cover, inside DVD tray, inside CD tray, back cover.
Initially the front cover was considered to have hand drawn illustrative album artwork, including a still from the video with the graffiti writing "Cassius", however time constraints from the time consuming editing of the music video, meant that there wouldn't be available time to complete extensive work in the software program Photoshop. However a different still was taken of the three band members to incorporate image and self promotion.
As the front cover has been taken as a still directly from the video, it would increase the sense of continuity to include stills from the video for both the inside covers and the back cover; it was decided to take the stills from different parts of the video. The use of colour is highly evident in the music video and therefore it seemed appropriate to reflect this within the ancillary texts.
The splashed paint onto the white backdrop runs throughout the video and would be a simple photograph to take as a still and produce it into the DVD and CD tray covers.
To continue the syngergy between each media product, a last still from the video was taken for the back cover. Different stills were selected and considered for their practicality of necessary components and for aesthetic appeal.
The left and centre image were found to be inappropriate for the back cover of the digipak as any overlapping text would be difficult to read due to the multicoloured background.
The right image looks a lot better; it still contains the bright imagery and colour and uses a diagonal composition, with the darkened floor surface giving the perfect background for white text of the track list and record labels to be displayed.