Thursday, 17 November 2011

Audience Research- Survey

To collate responses from our aimed audience, as a group we posted a 10 question survey on the online website Survey Monkey.
It included both open and closed questions, in order to collect specific answers; qualatative data (open answers) to receive a personal audience response, and quantative data (closed questions) to produce graphs, numerical data and statistics, in which we could base our media coursework (music video, album advert and digipak) around.

We posted the links for the survey through social networking sites such as our Facebook accounts, and my own personal Twitter account, titling the survey "Indie Music Questionnaire", instantly portraying the genre of music that the questions were centred around. This was important to convey, as  music genres differ within each stereotypical conventions. The participants would be given an insight, and then respond if they listened to Indie music.


The use of social networking sites was important, as they are a platform in which the majority of young people use today; the survey was posted via Facebook status to approximately 2,000 people between the ages of 14 and 30, so we already approximated the responses. My personal Twitter account is a much wider platform to post to, as anybody online would be able to view it. This covered both aspects of the audience research.

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