"Wish you've gone-a, wish you've gone away, what you've gone-a
What you've got has always gone away
Cassius! Cassius! at best, it's all that we could do,
All that we could do
The wind is in, the wind is in my heart, the wind is in-
Now what you've got has always gone away"
What you've got has always gone away
Cassius! Cassius! at best, it's all that we could do,
All that we could do
The wind is in, the wind is in my heart, the wind is in-
Now what you've got has always gone away"
The tempo of the song has been a deciding factor, in the sense that it is quick paced. This therefore means that it would make sense to create a fast paced music video to fit its own individual style, correlating to the original Cassius video. Short, choppy scenes are seen to fit on the beat of the drums; the adds to the clean cut look of the video style. As a group we decided to use this style of filming; to use multiple scenes within short time frames to create an aesthetic connection to the original. As well as video image, we discussed the use of stop motion still images for the video; this idea is becoming increasingly used within bands releasing videos, not only in the Indie genre.
Finally, the use of props within the Indie music genre are also more and more commonly used within videos, according to our pre-existing music video research. Although there is usually a storyline, the use of random and unrelated props are often used; it adds an eccentricity to the plot and viewing for the audience.
Therefore the use of props within our own video would need to be bright and colourful, intriguing and interesting to the eye.
Below are the first lists of ideas, and preliminary sketches for planning and possible storyboarding.
We worked together and collected ideas to be influenced within our music video.
These sketches show that the use of props is heavily considered, even within such early stages of planning.
Although the majority of drawings were original ideas, we have influenced a small number of frames from already existing music videos, such as the use of props rolling through stop motion in the video Latchmere, by The Maccabees. The use of glitter as a prop was influenced by Indie/ Alternative band Klaxons, and their video Golden Skans. However we would be using both of these ideas in different ways as to create an authenticity and originality to our video, rather than copying directly from another.
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